2024 Hiking Marathon

2024 Hiking Marathon

Salsa the Wonder Dooodle

Kids Activities
(Under 12 years old)

All Trails Map Overview

Welcome to the Cumberland County Hiking Marathon. This year the Friends of the Trails is offering a special program for kids to encourage them to be nature-friendly hikers. Kids who participate will receive a backpack filled with hiking items. The “Leave No Trace” effort reminds us to protect the earth by making good choices while playing in nature. Ranger Rick says, “Leave only footprints and take only pictures.” Try not to leave any unnatural clues that you’ve been on a trail like candy wrappers or a tree carving. Fortunately, there are lots of fun things to do while hiking. There is an activity sheet of ideas for each of the trails in the marathon to print and take with you. Anyone under the age of 12 can fill out the sheet for either a full or half marathon and turn it in for a free backpack. We hope you enjoy hiking these trails but please stay on the trail when hiking and respect private property in residential communities. Carry plenty of water at all times, use bug-spray and watch your step – it is easy to twist an ankle on rocks and tree roots. Pets are permitted on all trails but please pick up after your dog if it fouls the trail-bed.

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